Authorization deepens Axon’s trusted partnership with US federal government agencies
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Dec. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Axon Enterprise Inc. , (“Axon”) (NASDAQ: AXON) the global public safety technology leader, achieved high impact status by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Joint Authorization Board (JAB) for its cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This change will allow Axon’s government customers to store the most sensitive, un-classified data handled by federal civilian agencies.
This status upgrade allows US government customers to safely leverage the Axon network with full trust, backed by FedRAMP’s highest impact level of security. Axon’s cloud-based SaaS solutions enable workflows for digital evidence management, situational awareness, and records management. Previously, Axon’s FedRAMP status was moderate level impact.
“We are proud to be leaders in data security, which is an ongoing challenge across the federal sector. There is a constant need to ensure sensitive information is protected across agencies and administrations as the government securely conducts business,” said Richard Coleman, Axon Vice President and General Manager of Federal Sector. “Axon is proud to serve the US government in this capacity and we continue to deepen our trusted relationships with federal agencies who see the value in our products, mission and commitment to law enforcement and communities.”
The Axon FedCloud system, which is the SaaS cloud-based solution that has received high impact status, operates as an isolated region of Axon Cloud Services that is dedicated to the US Federal community. US Axon FedCloud offerings include Axon Evidence, Axon Respond, and Axon Records, and also acts as the core control center over Axon devices and client applications. Axon FedCloud is currently being used by many agencies across the federal sector, including the United States Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and the Department of Interior
Axon FedCloud enables cloud-based workflows for digital evidence management, situational awareness, and records management to support the operational needs of agencies. The system operates as an isolated region of Axon Cloud Services that is dedicated to the US Federal community. US Axon FedCloud offerings include Axon Evidence, Axon Respond, and Axon Records while also acting as the core control center over Axon devices and client applications. These devices and client applications include in-car camera systems, body-worn cameras, TASER devices, Axon Interview Room, and Axon Upload XT.
Axon Evidence acts as a central repository for customers’ digital evidence and a central management console for Axon products and devices. With expansive ingest, smooth playback, and intuitive search, Axon Evidence makes it simple to connect and manage growing stores of data—video, photos, documents and more—in a single, secure system.
Axon Respond is a real-time operations platform which integrates real-time situational awareness and unified communications within a modern incident management solution. Gathering data from sensors in the field, agencies are empowered to know when events occur before it’s voiced through traditional contact methods and rapidly coordinate responses with a unified communications platform.
Axon Records harnesses the power of automation to save countless hours in the report writing, submission, and review process, helping agencies get more efficiency by breaking down data silos. With direct access to body-worn camera, in-car and citizen-captured video footage, documents, images, and more, reports can be created faster. Critical evidence can be easily shared to remove the wall between digital evidence and reports.
Axon is a technology leader in global public safety. Our moonshot goal in the US is to cut gun-related deaths between police and the public by 50% before 2033. Axon is building the public safety operating system of the future by integrating a suite of hardware devices and cloud software solutions that lead modern policing. Axon’s suite includes TASER energy devices, body-worn cameras, in-car cameras, cloud-hosted digital evidence management solutions, productivity software and real-time operations capabilities. Axon’s growing global customer base includes first responders across international, federal, state and local law enforcement, fire, corrections and emergency medical services, as well as the justice sector, commercial enterprises and consumers.
Axon, TASER and the Delta Logo are trademarks of Axon Enterprise, Inc., some of which are registered in the US and other countries. For more information, visit All rights reserved.
FedRAMP is a US Federal program that standardizes the assessment and authorization process for companies that are looking to provide cloud-based services to US Federal agencies. This standardization allows for a “do once, repeat many” process that agencies can leverage to reduce rework of security assessments, authorizations, and continuous monitoring. The efficiency gains from this process allow for smoother federal procurement and facilitate modernization efforts.
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